Characteristics of Sanyo SyojiInformation Security Measures

Thorough Information Security for Peace of Mind with ISO27001

Industrial waste is said to be a mass of personal information. We take great care to prevent the leak of such information.
One example is the security room, where we disassemble mobile phones. Workers entering the room undergo strict ID checks, each mobile phone we receive is identified and managed individually, and we have a metal detector gate at the door to prevent loss.
We also educate employees by raising awareness regarding information security through morning meetings and regular training sessions.

Security Room

  • Metal Detector GateMetal Detector Gate
  • Card Access SystemCard Access System
  • Hand-held Metal DetectorsHand-held Metal Detectors
  • Surveillance CamerasSurveillance Cameras

Security Room

Other Departments that Handle Customer Information, etc.

  • Vein Authentication Access SystemVein Authentication Access System
  • Card Access SystemCard Access System
  • Security Study Group Security Study Group

Obtained ISO27001 certification.

Obtained ISO27001 certification.

Basic Philosophy

One of our most important challenges is to ensure that Sanyo Syoji's head office, branches and related facilities (material yards, etc.) operate in accordance with the following basic policy when handling information assets and employ appropriate security measures to gain the trust of our customers.

Information Security Policy

1. Implementation Structures and Responsibilities
We will establish the Information Security Committee to deliberate on matters regarding information security, appoint an Information Security (IS) Management Supervisor to be responsible for the implementation of various measures and an Internal Audit Team to audit operations in order to clarify the roles and responsibilities associated with information security.
2. Protection of Information
All information relating to our business activities is subject to protection. Of such information, that relating to customers, data contained in items that come to us during waste processing (recycling) and which are not processed, and information regarding the company's know-how, are, in particular, regarded as the most important, and we endeavor to ensure the security of such information.
3. Provision of Reliable Processing Services
We will formulate appropriate safety measures for processing waste that our customers have commissioned us to process, such as electronic equipment and data storage media, etc. (to protect the confidentiality, accuracy, and completeness of customers' information assets), and endeavor to help them feel secure about entrusting us to process their waste.
4. Legal Compliance
We will comply with laws, regulations, and ordinances, etc., concerning information security, including the Personal Information Protection Law, laws and regulations regarding industrial waste processing, and other requirements, including the responsibilities that the Company has agreed to in contracts.
5. Ongoing Improvement Measures
We will carry out risk assessment regarding information assets, while regularly monitoring the state of physical and technological implementation of security measures, including human performance, and carrying out regular evaluations and audits. In cases where improvement is observed to be necessary, a risk assessment will be promptly carried out concerning such matters. Appropriate measures will then be taken based on the results of such assessments, and the Information Security Management System revised accordingly.