Action Guidelines

Action guidelines are the bare minimum in terms of rules.

The action guidelines express the bare minimum in terms of the rules that govern those of us who work for Sanyo Syoji. They also describe the ideal personnel that are sought after by the company.
People who are unable to do these three things will never be recognized as Sanyo Syoji employees.
I would like you to gain a real understanding of the meaning contained in these three guidelines and remember them when you carry out your own work each day.

Action Plan!

Action Plan!

Saying and doing things with an awareness of our three action guidelines may seem simple, but when it comes to actually doing them it is, in fact, very difficult.
simple, but when it comes to actually doing them it is, in fact, very difficult.
We put up our action guidelines on the wall at each of our workplaces so that people see them everyday and it is natural for them to live and work by them:

Say 'hello' to create a friendly atmosphere and build good relationships.
Keep the place tidy to ensure a safe workplace and prevent accidents.
Honor and respect to foster a caring attitude.

Here are our action guidelines:

Three Action Guidelines

  • 1Say hello with a happy smile.MORE
  • 2Clean often.
  • 3Abide by SKH.MORE

Action Guidelines

Please keep our action guidelines in mind when you work.