Financial Information

Balance sheets and profit and loss statements for the most recent two years.

Balance Sheet

(Unit: 1 million JPY)

  60th period59th period
Current assets 3,3392,553
Fixed assets 2,2971,494
Total assets 5,6374,047
Current liabilities 1,9301,244
Fixed liabilities 3,0602,348
Total liabilities 4,9903,592
Earned surplus 557365
Total equity 647455
Liabilities and total equity 5,6374,047

Profit and Loss Statement

(Unit: 1 million JPY)

  60th period59th period
Sales 5,4803,838
Sales cost 4,0482,701
Gross profit on sales 1,4311,137
Marketing expenses
and general administrative costs
Operating profit327165
Non-operating revenue 209
Non-operating expenses 3736
Recurrent profit 309138
Extraordinary profit00
Extraordinary losses 530
Corporate tax, etc. 11245
Current net profits 19263

Business Performance

We would like to report on the business performance of the company for the previous financial year (November 1, 2016-October 31, 2017).

Firstly, we would like to report that we have kept the balance in the black for nine consecutive periods.

We recorded the best sales so far at 5.480 billion JPY, a 43% increase from the previous period (+1.642 billion yen), due to the expansion of our operations. Active investment in capital investment, an increased number of employees, and an increase in the cost of outsourcing resulted in an increase in sales costs, which reached 4.048 billion JPY (1.347 billion JPY more than the previous period, +50%). The gross profit on sales was 1.431 billion yen, achieving an increase of 26% (0.294 billion JPY), with a gross profit margin of 26% (30% in the previous period). Although labor costs increased due to the improvements we made to personnel training and the welfare system, we are seeing the effect of ongoing cost saving measures and operating profit reached 327 million JPY, 162 million JPY more than the previous period (98% increase), with recurrent profit of 309 million JPY, which was 171 million JPY more (+124%) than the previous period. Final net profit for the period was 192 million JPY (129 million higher than the previous period, a 205% increase), reaching the highest level so far,

Throughout October 2018 period, based on appropriate strategy we will continue with our capital investment in plant and equipment in order to keep the balance in the black while growing the company by hiring more people and starting new projects.